Thursday, 31 January 2013

Font Tests

We chose this selection of fonts as it represents the mood and tone reflected in the programme. With the denotative image of the letters being all mismatched it connotes the shows the distress that the characters will go through and the dark an gritty tone to the programme. Any of these fonts will do for our website as homepage Snowshill logo as they fit all of our themes within the programme.
Document created by Zac Bowen

Web Layout

The background image will be a repeated tile image of a garage door. Similar to what the E4 Misfits website.

The header image will be a screen grab from the programme an also thumbnail for YouTube video.

These will be links to the social networking sites for our programme, they will be hyperlinked

Documents created by Jake Hashdi and Zac Bowen

Mistfits Website Layout

Document created by Nathan O'Sullivan

Editing Screen Shots

Costume Designs

Document created by Jake Hashdi


Storyboards created by Zac Bowen and Jake Hashdi

These storyboards were created in advance of the production, they give us a ruff outline of what shots will look like before we head to the location. This enables us to set up the shot more quickly, making the production more efficient. Although the final production may not look like how we planned, it at least gives us an idea of where to start and what shots need to be done at the same time.

Final Scipt (updated)

First Draft Created by Zac Bowen
Final Draft Created by Nathan O'Sullivan, Jake Hashdi and Zac Bowen

This is the final script we used for the production of Snowshill, it is a key concept of the narrative, telling the actors what to do and how to do it, and tell the director and producer how to film it. We all took responsibility in writing the final script for our programme. This ensured that all of our idea were put together in one to create a better product overall. 

Photos - Screen Grabs and Photography Layout

Photos taken off screen grabs of the production
We did not require to do a Photography Shoot for the images on our website because the images we used were screen grabs from our production.
Document created by Zac Bowen

Test Shot

Test Shot directed and sound recorded by Zac Bowen and Jake Hashdi

Shot List

Document created by Jake Hashdi

Location Recce and Shooting Schedule

The location Recce was created by Zac Bowen
The Shooting Schedule was created by Jake Hashdi

Call Sheet

Documents created by Jake Hashdi

Log Sheet

Production Edited by Jake Hashdi and Zac Bowen
Document created by Jake Hashdi

Friday, 25 January 2013

My Intentions (updated)

Within my research I found that the target audience for science-fiction drama was usually youth to adults between the ages of 16-30.  I came to this conclusion after visiting the Misfit’s website, where they have presented the home page with a large picture of young adults between the ages of 17-25. On the Smallville (another science-fiction drama) website the head image has the same thing, with the subsidiary images below this. On both websites there were screen grabs of the show, where action or supernatural happenings were taking place, which we usually associate with attracting male audiences, so we are led to believe that science-fiction dramas are predominantly aimed at males.

In creating a website aimed at an audience between the ages of 16-30, I will present a simple website that is easy to navigate around for a casual browser, looking at pages that include photos, videos and information on what the show is about, including character descriptions and their background history. In my research I found that a website is considered to be more interesting if the pages are simple and brief, and the layout of the website shows images related to the page links. The colours I will use will connote to the genre of the programme and also give an idea of what the programme is like; using dark colours will show the grittiness of the programme we intend to create. The 3 pages I intend to create will be the ‘about’ page, giving detail into the programme’s synopsis and where the idea has come from. It will also include a brief summary of each character, accompanied with pictures. This should contain content that will interest the audience and persuade them to watch the show. It will also give the audience a greater chance to connect with the characters and relate to them more easily, so that they understand the character’s history before the show and are not left questioning it throughout when the show is being aired. Other pages will show images, including screen grabs of the programme, location shots and character headshots, building up anticipation for its release. In addition, it will show videos showing the final product and interviews with the cast members about the show.

In creating our programme I intend to create an entertaining science-fiction drama, appealing to our intended target audience. When conducting research into the producers of the E4 products, a member of our group, Jake Hashdi, phoned the producers of the E4 science-fiction drama, Misfits. They told him that they never solely targeted their products at a particular audience; they aim to attract as wide as an audience as possible, but try and appeal to a lower class audience, as they are more likely to relate to the ‘real life’ issues within the programme. Therefore, the programme I intend to create will be targeted at males, aged 16-30 but will also appeal to any other audiences that enjoy the science-fiction genre. It will be aimed at those in the C2 grade of the NRS social class, as the toughness and grittiness will be easy for them to relate to, and the struggle of everyday life in the post-apocalyptic world will be entertaining to watch and escape to from the world around them.

Although the show we intend to create is a science-fiction drama with action and adventure sequences, it all creates a fantasy world that is entertaining to watch, but within this we intend to incorporate real life situations. E4 did similar things with their popular TV show, Smallville, and their story line of the main character losing one of his parents. This ‘real life’ element will make the show (putting the fantasy element aside) seem realistic, having a gripping storyline for all audiences to enjoy. Bearing this in mind, if we were to make the full episodes and season of the programme, we would make some episodes happy, some funny and some sad, appealing to a variety of audiences. We will stick strictly to the conventions of the genre whilst creating original content for audiences to enjoy. We will make efficient use of time when filming by making sure we have full understanding of how to use the equipment before we start filming and are familiar with the editing software before we start to edit.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Pre- Production & Production Schedule

This was the production schedule for the day of filming
The schedule for editing was to finish by the 31st of February
The pre- production research was be finished by the 4th of November: